There are so many ways to sneak physical education into your homeschool day. Whether you’re looking to get super active or have low impact physical activity, these 5 homeschool physical education ideas will get the kids out and active before you know it. Each of these ideas will help you satisfy the phys. ed. part of your homeschool curriculum. This post contains affiliate links.
Homeschool Physical Education Ideas
– Hiking
Get outdoors and go on a hike with your kids for homeschool phys. ed. There are many hiking trails all over the states for your kids to enjoy. There’s a bonus with this physical education option, your kids can do some nature journaling while out on the hiking trails too. CamelBak Mini Mule Kids Hydration Backpacks are great to keep kids hydrated while on the trail.
– Swimming
If you don’t own a swimming pool, have no worries, you can easily sneak some swimming in for your homeschool physical education by going to the community pool, a local river, or pond. These options for swimming will provide your kids with some fun too. (Check out our Puddle Jumper review if you have young kids)
– Old School Games
Teach your kids to enjoy some of your old school outdoor games like four square, capture the flag or kick the can. This is a fun way to give your kids some knowledge of how you enjoyed physical education as a child all the while helping them get their homeschool phys. ed. completed.
– Obstacle Course
Have your kids build their own indoor or outdoor obstacle course. This is a great way to promote creative thinking and problem-solving skills all the while giving your kids a way to get their homeschool physical education completed during your homeschooling days. Our favorite go-to obstacle courses usually include a balance beam, walking down a wedge ramp, crawling through a tunnel, walking across stepping stones, climbing up our Nugget couch tower, and jumping into a pile of bean bags and pillows.
– Workout DVDs
Lastly, if all else fails and it’s too rainy or gloomy to do any of the above homeschool physical education ideas, you can pull out the workout DVDs. Have your kids do a daily workout to get active and in shape during their homeschool day with their favorite workout DVDs. If you don’t have any DVDs YouTube has a ton of workout ideas for kids. There’s even adults breaking a sweat dancing to Frozen songs.
Finding unique ways to create and plan your homeschool phys. ed. curriculum is one of the best parts of being a parent who teaches their kids. These ideas will come in handy when you’re at a loss as to what to do for physical education during your homeschool week. There are many ways you can work to develop a homeschool phys. ed. curriculum. This is quite honestly one of the easier parts of homeschooling your kid because we all know how to get up, get active, and have fun!
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