Once we become an adult life gets a little trickier. We often have children and spouses to think about and tend to. We have a job and often times we opt to homeschool our children which just adds to our plate of things to do. Every adult is a busy adult in this world, and with technological advances, it seems adults are able to do even more at once without blinking an eye. While it’s great that we can remain busy as adults, it’s also important to remember that we should be kind to others. Practicing kindness as a busy adult helps reduce stress and forces us to slow down from our day to day life. Here are a few ways you can practice kindness no matter how busy you are:
Give up Your Seat
If you’re on public transportation and see a passenger get on without a place to sit, stand up and let them have your seat. This small gesture of kindness could make that person’s day and in turn, inspire them to do the same next time around.
Hold the Door
Nothing beats that feeling when a stranger holds the door for you. All too often we’ve seen a stranger ahead of us in line or leaving a store when we’re about to go inside and they don’t hold the door. Holding the door for the next person entering or exiting is a simple act of kindness anyone can do.
Use your Manners
Tell the cashier to have a great day. Consider leaving a thank you note on a small piece of paper for anyone who’s done something kind that day for you. Always say please and thank you when being served in a restaurant or at a local store.
Give up an Hour
Take one hour out of your day to reach out to friends. If someone needs to vent about something or needs your advice with a situation, give them your undivided attention for at least an hour. This will help them feel calmer and in turn, make you feel good that you helped them out.
Forgive a Debt
Sure we all need money but one unique act of kindness is to forgive one debt every year. If someone owes you money, consider forgiving their debt. Be sure to forgive a debt that you can afford to forgive and feel confident this is the right act of kindness for you and that friend.
With World Kindness Day quickly approaching, it’s important that we all aspire to be more kind to our fellow human beings. When you practice an act of kindness you are doing your part to help make this world a more positive, happier place.
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