Thanks to Bananna Boat® for sponsoring this pool party post!
There’s nothing better than playing in water with friends on a hot summer day! A pool party is a staple of summertime. A kids pool party isn’t only great for birthday parties but they’re perfect for any summer get together with friends! There’s no reason to rent out the local pool when you can have a fun (and less expensive) pool party at your home. Read on for my tips to throw a stellar, low-stress pool party.
The Pool:
With the wide variety of pools today you can have a splash pool for babies, a kiddie pool with a slide built in for toddlers, and a deeper one for the big kids all in the same yard.
The great thing about a pool party is you really don’t have to hire entertainment or plan games. Kids of all ages will have a great time just playing, splashing and creating their own games. A sprinkler, water toys, and a few inflatable balls wouldn’t hurt though.
Sunscreen Station:
How many times have you gone somewhere that’s right out in the open sun and kick yourself for forgetting sunscreen? I know I have! Set up a sunscreen station for kids and adults to use. Trust me, parents are going to truly appreciate this favor. I love Banana Boat® because it’s tested in 7 different conditions – sun, wind, sweat, sand, and extreme heat to provide safe and effective UVB protection for your family. Banana Boat® even has baby sunscreen!
One of the best ways to create a fun and festive pool party is to add music. Create a playlist or just turn the radio on. A few summer songs that I think should be on every pool party playlist include: Justin Roberts‘ (pictured above with my daughter!) Kickboard, Baby, Yeah, “Splish Splash” by Bobby Darin, “Heat Wave” by Martha and the Vendellas, and any number of songs by the Beach Boys.
In my experience kids don’t really eat much at parties because they are so distracted. Have a few snacks set out so they can come by and munch without wasting a whole plate of food. Snacks like grapes and watermelon can be a hydrating and refreshing treat, while peanuts can give them protein. Whatever snacks you serve don’t forget to leave out pitchers of water or lemonade for your guests to enjoy.
Party Favors:
Party favors aren’t a must-have by any means but sometimes they are a nice way to tell your guests that you appreciated them coming. Sending home each guest with a bottle of Banana Boat® sunscreen is a sure-fire way to give them a gift that they’ll use again! Other ideas could be goggles, beach balls, or sunglasses.
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Banana Boat® . The opinions and text are all mine.
I have always used banana boat sunscreen! it’s the only thing that doesn’t irritate my skin and I won’t use anything else on my kids either.