Meal planning. Do those words send chills through your body like they do mine?
I’ve often told my husband that if he would just tell me what he wants to eat for the week then I’ll have it ready each night. Of course, he’s too sweet and just says something like, “I know whatever you fix I’ll love.”
For me to meal plan I have to sit down with him and plan what we’ll have. The choices overwhelm me. I know that sounds silly but they do!
It comes as no surprise that I’m not one of those on-top-of-things bloggers who has a meal plan on their blog every week along with printable shopping lists. haha Nooo, not me.
Lucky for you (and ME!) I have a blogging friend who I just love to pieces, who has created a weekly meal plan on her blog. You all know Janelle from Comfy in the Kitchen, right? Well, if not, this is a great time to hop over to her site to get to know her and see all the yummy recipes that she has to offer. I’m very, VERY, very excited about this new feature on her site and I hope that you are too. She even has a gluten-free option listed for each day as well. I can’t wait to try some new recipes and have a plan for next week!
Thank you Ashley!
Absolutely! 🙂
I’ll have to head over and check that out. I always say I am going to do a weekly menu plan but it never seems to happen.
What an awesome meal plan! What I do is have a general gameplan, but not necessarily fixed meals on fixed nights. I find I have to have some flexibility since I often end up with more leftovers than I expect, etc.
I try and do this but I just can’t stick with it. When I do Do it, I feel so organized. I will have to check out some of Janelle’s tips! Thank you 🙂
Yes, I need help! My husband doesn’t really give realistic suggestions either. Thanks I will definitely check this out!
I’ll take all the help I can get!