Disclaimer: This post was sponsored by the J.M. Smucker company. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
There have been many instances in my life when I felt that I was doing more than stepping out of my comfort zone, I was jumping out. Maybe not jumping with excitement but jumping nonetheless. Standing timidly as if on the top of a wooden platform that I just climbed 30 feet to get to. The deep water was below me. I couldn’t climb down, I had come too far. It wasn’t a jump in the air. It wasn’t with a squeal of excitement I jumped. I just kind of stepped off. Stepped off into deep and cold water. After a while the water became comfortable and warm.
I find myself doing that time and time again in life. It’s as if I nonchalantly meander further than I would ever feel comfortable only to realize what I’ve done, dread it, hold my breath and conquer my fears. The jumping off the tower was more than an illustration, it is something that really happened to me at a leadership conference (of all places!) when I was in high school. The teens I was with (more importantly the teen boys) were too scared to do it so I said I would. What was I thinking?! This happened again when I went to a college I had never properly visited and didn’t know a soul there. And again when my class chose me to speak at our graduation and I agreed (I’m not a naturally gifted speaker!). When I went to Ireland by myself to stay for three months with a family there. When I accepted a job at a radio station (Not a quick witted speaker, remember?). Time and time and time again I’ve put myself out there and I can’t remember a single time regretting it. Even owning a blog where I share of myself feels bold. It is bold because I have thin skin and the sometimes cruel emails I receive cut deep.
Living boldly is something I want to pass on to my kids. It’s not about never being scared but about pushing through the fear. It’s not a boastful, “look at me” type of boldness but a silent “I can be who I am without fear” type of boldness that I wish for my children.
My daughter had her first day with our new homeschool community this week. She didn’t know anyone and she wasn’t scared a bit…or maybe she was but pushed through it like her mommy. She beamed with excitement the whole day long but I’m sure I was beaming brighter. My little girl was being bold, so beautifully bold.
For her first day I made her a special breakfast complete with sprinkles. Sprinkles on the waffles. Sprinkles on the glass of milk. For myself, I enjoyed Dunkin Donut’s new Dunkin’ Dark® coffee with pumpkin spice biscotti. I thought about throwing some sprinkles on top of that lovely foam but I figured they’d sink anyway. One of my favorite parts about mornings…okay, one of the few things I enjoy at all in the mornings is my cup of coffee. My coffee and my family’s smiles and hugs. That’s it. For life’s bold moments, Dunkin’ Dark® coffee provides coffee lovers with a bold, smooth, and never bitter taste to keep us inspired (and awake!) through the day.
Dunkin’ Dark® coffee is Brewed for the Bold. It’s for coffee lovers who aren’t afraid to take risks. Even if you’re going to add a lot of frothed milk to it, you can still be bold. 🙂 Maybe you’re thinking about pursuing a lifelong dream or maybe you just want to mix up your morning routine with a bold cup of joe. Give Dunkin’ Dark® a try, it’s the perfect bold blend! You can pick it up at any grocery store or order online at DunkinAtHome.com. Dunkin’ Dark® comes in K-Cup® Pods (10-ct or 16-ct) and 11-oz. and 18.4-oz. packages of ground coffee. By choosing this 30% Rainforest Alliance Certified™ coffee, you are directly supporting the Rainforest Alliance. For more information on Dunkin’ Dark®, click here: http://www.dunkinathome.com/BrewedfortheBold. Dunkin’ Donuts® is proud to partner with Becky Hammon, the first female full-time assistant coach in the history of men’s professional basketball. Check out Becky’s story and how she is bold she is!
It’s not always easy to step out of your comfort zone but it feels so good!