Ode to all the mommas at bedtime. We’re in the home stretch. The end is near and our guilt for feeling that way is building. We’ve wiped noses, played chauffeur. We’ve taught abc’s and algebra, questioning our own retention of education every step of the way. We’ve washed the same cup twelve times and ran the rinse cycle four times, hoping to avoid that mildew smell from clothes sitting in the wash. We’ve had parent teacher conferences where we’ve breathed a sigh of relief and those where we’ve hung our head low, wondering how to help our struggling student. We’ve skipped conferences because we ARE the teacher, and questioned if our children are learning a single useful thing from us. We’ve made fabulous meals from scratch and microwaved a frozen lasagna. We’ve ran in circles and up and down the stairs a couple dozen times, balancing laundry baskets, babies and conference calls. And our legs. Are. Burning. We’ve wiped tears from toddler tantrums and teenage angst. We are fighting battles unseen. Our hearts may be hurting.
We are here. At the end of the day. We are weary. We aren’t sure today was entirely successful, and not positive we can wake up and do it all again tomorrow. But right here, we are present. Washing hair, brushing teeth, signing reading logs, singing lullabies, kissing foreheads.
Mommas. Ladies. Friends. We can do this. We ARE doing this. We will wake up tomorrow and God will hold us when we feel we just cannot go one more step. Why? Because we are caring for His children, His most beloved creation. He has filled us and will continue to fill us with love and grace to pour out to these people around us.
I am so thankful for all of you in my life. All the women who have been mothers to me. To my children. To my friend’s children. To the neighbor kids. I am thankful for the example of light and love and grace and strength that you are setting each day. I am inspired by your perseverance and passion for raising up these people. We’ve got this, friends. Tomorrow, we will wake. And we will thank God for new mornings and mercies and celebrate the ugly beautiful moments that build our lives as mothers. We’re doing mighty and holy work, friends.
A friend of mine, DeBran Haselwood, is the author of this lovely piece of inspiration.
Bedtime is always one of my favorite times. Not because they’re going to bed, but because it’s one of the only calm times of the day when we can spend time together.
It’s so true. They get older & the issues are different but still so hard. We all just want to do what’s right for our kids!
I found bedtime to be the most wonderful time. Luckily my kids were sleepers and also loved stories. So tey would sit still for all that mommy time.
My sister always said that bedtime was her favorite time. The kids were all sweet and drowsy, and they loved story time.
I love when bed time comes around! It gives my hubby and time alone! As much as I love my kiddo I love to have time with my hubby alone! You just need that.
Those are lovely words. I know bedtime can either be the best or the worst time of the day around here. I used to feel guilty about being grateful for some peace and quiet but have learned it’s important for me to recharge for the next day.
I loved bedtime with my kids. Bedtime was when I acted out stories or sang songs. They are all grown up now and I miss that precious time.
Bedtime is one of my favorite parts of the day with the kids! My wife is an amazing mother, it’s great to hear her end of night chats with the kids.
I know that my parents LOVED bedtime for me – I was a little firecracker! Bedtime stories were a MUST in our house! Meant spending time with our Dad, together.
I really miss the bedtimes of when the kids were younger. It was such a sweet time to be together. Now they are teens and think I am just plain weird lol
Ahhh, yes. The time of day where we start winding down for bedtime. Usually exhausted by that point, but I always try to take the time to enjoy the moments from bath time to story reading.
What a beautiful piece! And oh so true. I definitely cannot wait for bedtime and for guilty for doing so! lol
I love being a mom even though it can be quite hectic at times. I wouldn’t trade it for the world!
Bedtime is the most precious time for my daughters and I. It’s time to reflect on our day, read bedtime stories and say our blessings.
I’m not a mom but I’m 10 years older than my little sister so I used to put her to bed a lot! Even with kids that are tough to get to bed, it’s such a nice time of day to just be able to unwind.
When my kids were little we always stuck to a bedtime routine. We would start getting the kids to wind down with a warm bath an hour before bed.
Now that my kids are getting older bed time is not as smooth. The kids always want to stay up later. We try to stick to the schedule but it is getting hard.
I actually leave the bedtime routine to my husband. It is a time when he can connect with our kiddos.
This is such a beautiful post. My daughter is turning 18 on Monday and my son is 21 and when I fall in to bed at night, I am thankful that He made me their mom.
Sometimes at the end of the day it all feels good and sometimes we think otherwise, but we’re truly trying and doing the best we can. That part is true!