Do you see the picture above? That top shelf? Yes, that one. That’s all my son’s closet came with. It was painstakingly difficult to try and organize a baby’s closet with one shelf and a bar that was divided every so many inches. Just thinking about it made my pregnant brain hurt. Thankfully, after taking a few measurements my dear husband whisked me away to Lowes to buy some shelving. {You can find the same shelving here on Amazon} A few days later we had shelving in place and oh, how I love it!
My system isn’t fancy. It’s just a small space with a few inexpensive organizing tools but it works for us. I numbered the spaces in the closet to help make it easier to go through.
Let’s get started:
- A teddy bear – No explanation is really needed for this one. Looking back, I don’t know why I numbered it. 🙂
- Blankets – These are large blankets that I sometimes use to lay down for a little floor play. It’s soft and because I know it’s clean it gives me piece of mind knowing that he won’t put a stray piece of something in his mouth.
- Supplies – This is a basket of extra changing table/bath/diaper bag supplies. This is where I have my surplus of Aveeno Eczema baby lotion {love that stuff!}, an extra container of my favorite Pampers wipes, my stock of Johnson’s & Johnson’s body wash/shampoo, alcohol free hand sanitizer, and diaper rash cream, etc.
- Toys – This is my go to bin of small toys to play with. Teethers, rattles, stuffed animals, and lovies all go in here. {I’ve recently been introduced to a Little Giraffe lovie and it is THE best lovie. If you’re looking for one give Little Giraffe a try}
- Pjs – These are the pajamas that currently fit my son. I like them here because they are easy to grab without having to sort through anything.
- Shirts – The left side of his closet holds his dressier buttoned up shirts and polos. These are the shirts that need to stay neater and are easy to hang. His onesies and pants are stored in the top drawer of his dresser. The other drawers of his dresser hold clothes that he hasn’t grown into yet, clothes that he has outgrown, and the bottom dresser drawer holds diapers.
- Sweaters – The middle of his closet holds his sweaters in one nice and neat place.
- Jackets – The right side of his closet holds his light jackets and fleece pullovers. I’m excited that it’s getting cooler so he can start wearing these!
- Shoes – This basket holds all of his shoes. Yes, I know, no boys need that many shoes but I have a shoe addiction. Tiny are just so stinking cute on babies!
- Socks – I keep all of his socks in a small basket right beside his shoes so it’s easy to put together his outfits.
- Swaddling blankets – We don’t use these very often any more but they were sure handy for a while. I guess now I can use this space for something else. Hmmm.
- Stroller blankets – Just as we’re slowing down using swaddling blankets we’re starting to use stroller blankets more and more. This basket holds plenty of them!
- There’s no #13 but if you’ll look to the left of #9 you’ll see a small stack of burp cloths.
- To the left of #11 you’ll see a stack of spare sheets, crib liners, and changing table covers.
- Even further to the left of #11 you’ll see where I have my son’s coats hanging. I love the extra room the lower rod gives me!
I absolutely adore these hangers. They are soft, small, nothing slips off of them and they are all the same size. After having the pink ones work so well for my daughter’s room I bought two more sets in blue for my son’s.
I’m hoping for the floor space underneath the lowest shelf to hold bigger toys one day.
Lastly, we have an extra closet wide stand alone shelf that we’re planning on installing in the top of this closet to make the most of the space we have.
Other Organizing Ideas:
Check out these posts from friends of mine who are sharing their best organizing tips.
Penelope’s Oasis shares her tips for organizing toys.
Pepper Scraps gives away her secret for organizing her boy’s clothes.
Jennifer from Mom Spotted shows how she organizes her kid’s clothing and closets.
Now it’s your turn, what tips or tricks do you have for organizing in a small space?
Great tips. It makes things so much easier when they are organized.