{Quick disclosure: Affiliate links are used in this post but only because I truly love the product. It won’t cost you a penny more if you buy something through my link.}
I love a simplified look. Call me crazy but I was insistent on having my daughter’s closet to have all of the same hangers. We didn’t use the ones that came free with her outfits but instead we bought all new, pink, velvety, matching hangers and it made me happy.
While it may not make or break your sanity to have all of the same hangers in a closet it might help the look of your clothes if you changed hangers. Do you have any of those wire hangers in your closet? You know the ones. The ones that cause “bumpies” in the shoulders of your shirts? Those are hangers that dry cleaners give away and aren’t meant to properly hold your clothes for long periods of time.
Here are a few other options you may want to consider:
Many people I know swear by the crystal hangers. I have nothing against them and I used to have many of them in my closet. That is, until a retail store near me went out of business and sold their like-new wooden hangers for $0.05 a piece. We bought a ton! Needless to say, I don’t think I’ll be buying new hangers anytime soon.
Like the crystal hangers, wooden hangers take up a good bit of space and you usually have to have a separate hanger for pants. As I said, these are the hangers I’m currently using in my closet and I’m happy with them. If you’re buying these new they are the most expensive option but don’t they just look lovely?
Just like the hangers I bought for my little girl’s room and will be buying for my next child, these velvet hangers are a great and inexpensive option for many. My mom swears by them! They’re touted as a space saver because they’re very thin. Plus, you’ll no longer need a specific hanger for shirts, a separate one for pants, and another one for suits. This one hanger does it all. The newer model of this hanger {as pictured above} even has two tiny indentions at the top to better hold on to delicate shirts. If you have a silk or silk-like shirt this is the only hanger I would recommend because the plastic or wooden ones have the potential to snag the fabric where as this hanger is completely smooth all around.
Those are the only hangers I’ve had a good experience with. What about you, do you have a hanger that you absolutely love and would recommend to others?
This post is part of our Clear Closet Clutter series and you can go here to find all the previous closet clutter posts.
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I really gave no thought to hangers, thanks for the info here. I typically use the plastic hangers from walmart and target.
I like to have the same hangers. It actually keeps the closet more organized, and with the right hangers, you can fit more clothes in the closet! I like the thin ones with the velvet flocking that you mentioned in your post.
J.S. Hanger Light Wooden Hangers
I researched many different types of pant hangers and this is why I gave this hanger a 5 star. The clips are heavy duty so the pants don’t fall off. The hanger itself is very well made yet not too heavy but what sold the deal for me is that the clips are narrow enough so they don’t get snagged on the hanger beside them. I found this very annoying with other types. The clip is adjustable so you can easily use for skirts or pants. Highly recommended.