Tonight, my husband shared with me a poem that he found on Facebook. A poem that made me cry. A poem that gave me a renewed joy for the little things in life. I hope you’ll enjoy it too!
Taryn McLean is the author of this heartfelt poem.
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That is beautiful and sad at the same time. They definitely grow up way too fast.
only a person with a guilty conscience cry over their babies. May God help you. And please stop sending me your curse.
Excuse me?? Only someone who feels guilty cries over their babies??? Try again!!! You are obviously misconstrued in either theology or just plain ignorant and feel the need to spread it. I cry over my son all the time. I cry that he will never play with his four siblings, who have died before he was born (I cry over them because I miss them terribly and even though I am not responsible for their deaths, I cry because I could not stop them from leaving too quickly). I cry at the sheer beauty that God has given me in this tiny human and the fact the He has graced me with him is overwhelming that it brings me to tears. I cry as I hold my sleeping son sometimes, knowing that far too quickly he will be to big for me to hold in my lap. I cried tears of joy and shear relief when he was born, and I cried when I got to bring him home. A mother’s heart NEVER NEVER stops crying, praying, rejoicing or fearing for their child. It is a normal human response.
Mira, you are a lovely lady to speak so open and honest. May god bless you and your son, and always look after your children that you can not. There will be a day, if you listen at your little boys door, when he is playing. If you listen ever so carefully, im sure they will be joining in his games. Always listen. He will have angels by his side as you do. x
Mira and Nicola,i was a sceptic on these things,until the day (whilst looking after my grandson)I heard our grandson chatting away,i left him for a while.but he carried on chatting ,so I asked his reply quite took me aback(you see my daughter lost two babies )he said nanny my two friends.both boys,they came to see me,so I thought I would be nice and play with I stood there he introduced me to these invisible boys(to me not him)he said they said hello nanny,took a deep breath,and said hello back,nanny he said they know you,from the hospital,i said something like nice to meet you both,left the room and shed tearsof sadness and also joy,he had these friends for a while , then my granddaughter(my daughter gave birth to two beautiful children,who we adore)my granddaughter came to our home,saw a picture of my grandfather,and called him pom pom,i told her who he was,she said yes I know,pom pom plays with me sometimes,children who have innocent minds do not lie to us,so I am certain my grandson saw his brothers my granddaughter saw my grandfather,just sadly as they grow older they loose that innocence anf the friends are no longer there,but for a short time they see people we cannot,and as grown ups we need to let them have their invisible friends after all most of us had them when we were very young
What a jerk and of course a man, Some men just don’t have the heart and feelings for their children. Also John, you don’t know the women who have loss their children to drunk drivers, disease, abuse etc. I lost my son to a drunk driver and I cry because he will never get married or have children… So check your ignorance!!!
I also lost a son at the age of 22 and by a drunk driver. I hurt every day and crying on the inside. It has been 6yrs now and i have moved forward with my hurt. I have 2 other children and I see him in them. I know he is with us each and every day and we will be united again in heaven. I love and miss him so much. RIP my sweet son (Willy).
Darlene, I take exception to the “of course a man” comment. Some men don’t but a lot of us do. I know some moms who don’t.
I was a stay at home Dad for twenty years. I teared up when I read this. It was sent to me by my eldest son because it reminded him of all the good times he had in his childhood.He is a new father and is experiencing that pain of time flying by too quickly. I wrote a similar poem myself and gave a copy to each of my four children, who are now grown and have children of their own. I think that ” One last time” is a beautiful piece of work.
What a sexist remark Darlene ” of course a man” if the author would have been a woman you would have had nothing but praise for her insight, RIGHT?
“of course a man” is what a lot of women would say but what a jerk is what a lot of women say also. Many families face death of their children and if you haven’t PRAISE GOD because you never know how you will deal with life after a death of your child. I now the Lord Jesus Christ was born, lived a sinless life, and DIED on the cross for all sins by everyone in this world and was buried but death did not end his life for on the third day he arose and went to his eternal home in heaven and the BIBLE says if I believe and put my trust in Jesus and ask him into my heart and to save my soul when my time on this earth is done and I die, I will join all saved people and all children who have gone to heaven before me. A person who says only guilty people cry – needs to get saved and follow Jesus’ words in the Bible. Then his heart will be right and who knows, he probably will see how things are and will CRY over a lot more than death of a loved one
Darlene Cancienne,
I AM A MAN…and I cry because my son was the blessing, the gift, the HERO that came into my life and saved me from a world of drug abuse. My son is the reason I am alive today. My son is the person that I would die for…and kill for. I cry because I miss the days when he was a baby and I got to hold him in my lap. I cry because I miss playing in the basement with him when he was a child. I cry because I miss the way he would run and jump into my arms when I came in the door from work. I cry because I miss the way he would wake up and come into my wife’s and my bed when he had a bad dream. I cry because I know that those days are gone and never to return.
My son is now 27 years old. I cry because I watched him grow up and become a man before I was ready to give up my little boy.
I cry…and I am not the only man that cries over their child or children.
Rethink your position on men. Some of us are abusive and uncaring…then there are those like myself that are loving, caring and who feel very fortunate because of our child or children.
I’m a grandmother and the last time I spent a few days babysitting my three month old granddaughter, one night I had just fed her, gotten her ready for bed and darkened her room. I rocked her for a while before I put her down and I cried. She reminded me of her mom so much when she was that small and I couldn’t believe I was being given this wonderful gift again of being able to rock my little darling to sleep. It was happy and sad at the same time knowing that, as the verses said, at some point those very special times would end all too soon. So I just took everything in about that small space of time we were sharing to try to remember it and hold it close. She has grown even since then and now she sleeps through the night. Even her mom (my daughter) is almost sad about that!
I am also a Nana of 4 GRANDkiddos. My husband and I have been married 41 years. We had four daughters, No problems with our first pregnancy, daughter born healthy. Second daughter, Grace was born too early and only lived 8 hours. When our third and fourth daughters were born it was pure JOY and continues to be. They love us and honor us and tho all but the youngest GRANDkiddo is in school. we spend a lot of time with them The 4 year old “chicklet” calls me on her moms phone, “MOM” is a word on the phone that she knows connects to me! I get you!. It is hard when you are a stay at home mom because it seems endless. Sameolsameo! I did and we did without some “things” we never ever regretted my staying home with them till they started school. Our almost 16 year old GRANDson lives with us.. We are his permanent legal guardians. I think the thing I miss most is that I am no longer the center of our daughters world. BUT …. the chicklets think we are amazing and that is great. Oh, I take GRANDson to concerts all over. Living life like “2.7 seconds on a bull named Fu Manchu!”
I think you are so blessed. I can not visit my granddaughter, she asked me a question when she was 10 years old and I answered it. She wanted to what Tribulations was and I told her. I took her home after having lunch and shopping. When I left she went to her parent and said she did not want to die. She was not upset while with me after I answered her question. I was not going to tell her a story. If they had keep her in Church she would know that the Lord loves her and that one day he will come back. I have not seen my son or granddaughter since last Christmas and he only lives one hour away. He blocked me from Facebook and he will not answer my calls when I call him. I can send him and e-mail and he will not respond.
Last summer I had the privilege of caring for my 18 mo. old grandson when his parents went to England. He had passed the cuddle rock to sleep stage. But the last night before they came home he wanted to be held and he went to sleep in my arms. Putting him in bed was the hardest thing I’ve done in a long time. Holding, for as long as possible, that warm little body, hearing his soft breathing, his beautiful smell, his softness-this was a gift he gave me that I will never ever forget.
Carolyn I am so sad for you. How you must miss her. I will never understand why people don’t talk to each other and say what they feel.
God Bless you
I’m so sorry for your pain and as a mom I’m crying for you now. I don’t know why there are unfeeling people in this world but I do know that a mama and daddy who love their children never stop Praying, hoping, crying, and laughing over them. May God give you peace and wisdom as you seek to raise your precious child. God bless, Seretha
Go get em Momma Bear… u know how to tell it like it is… Ill stand up for you anyday…
amen. I feel the same, and ours are 19,20 and 21.
Beautifully said….only a mother can understand your words and tears…big hugs to you sweet lady, Is 60:1
I dont think u understand poem is a testiment of kids growing not dying!
I believe this poem depends on your own situation. I have 3 grown children, one is in Heaven and I feel this poem applies to all 3.
The poem is not about guilt, nor regret’s a gentle reminder to live fully in the present, to encourage sleep deprived new parents. .that this too is in the here and now, and with all the highs and lows of life we experience. .this is truly the best time to reflect..and make the needed sacrifices to build an awesome little person and to truly rejoice in the most technical and respected job there ever was…motherhood AND fatherhood. Bless this poets heart..the lump in my heart, is one of remembering the most joyful , yet challenging part of my life’s journey. I successfully reached my goals with my children and share this poem with them today…because now they nod in agreement even though they’re right in the throws of this time of their life. Bless you!
Perfectly said, “M”. My sentiments exactly.
As a mother of a newly wed son, please refer me to an instructional book on how to be a mother-in-law! This is thin ice folks..don’t know where the line is!
My son was diagnosed with a brain tumor when he was three it wasn’t cancer but it wrecked havoc on him. I cry all the time over all the things we missed that most moms take for granted. Learning to ride a bike, singing children’s songs together, watching him make friends, being able to talk and hold a conversation with him. There is so many things that we missed and it hurts my heart to know he is my only child and probably will stay that way unless God says otherwise. But I have also learned to rejoice in the small things that most forget to even notice. The first friend he made at age nine who didn’t notice his disability or differences. (He’s ten now) that not being able to speak for years we are now getting to see his beautiful personality. Seeing him prove all the dr’s wrong they told us he would suffer from mental retardation he’s a 4.0 student and has his eyes set on being a bio mechanical engineer. I cry because I am so thankful that my son is still alive I cry cause my son will get to live a normal life after all I cry cause I feel so blessed to be given this amazing boy who is compassionate, kind, generous, loving, intelligent. I cry when I sneak into his room at night to kiss him goodnight cause I know.. I know how lucky we really are and it saddens me that one day he will not need me after all this time of putting my life on the back burner so that he could have a good life makes me remember to be happy cause that almost never would have come.
Your words made me cry, Candace. Thank you for sharing your story!
Mira – Only a mother can understand this poem – and it doesn’t even need to e a biological mother. Your child is a composite of your time, hopes & dreams – all rolled into one tiny little person – and if you do your job right – they leave you and you have to stand there being strong – hating them leaving – but knowing that their souls live in the world of tomorrow.
Spoken so VERY wisely, also, heartfelt. Their is NO GREATER LOVE than a Mother’s love for her child, or children. If she’s a REAL MOTHER, and woman enough to raise them with the help of the LORD. She doesn’t need a man. JUST JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for being so brave, and so honest. I’ve lost six children to miscarriages and one stillbirth, I still cry over each of them. I have three biological children now and and two children from another mother. A mother never stops grieving for her children who were lost. When I lost my husband two days after Thanksgiving 2 years ago, 5 days later, A co-worker told me to get over it because that’s life, people just die, sometimes for no reason, they just die. I was crying as I read his text, he kept this up for about a week and I had to block him, because I didn’t want to hear another word from him. People grieve in their own way, and their own timeline, and when they’re ready to be done grieving, if that’s possible, they don’t really need someone else to tell them it’s time to stop or something is wrong with them because they are still grieving after all these years. I thank you so much for the words that you put about you grieving your children that will never enjoy their siblings or their siblings will never enjoy these children. Sometimes even discussing this with another person that feels that way, brings a grief all on its own. Thank you for being so open and so honest, you even helped me through it, though sometimes it seems unbearable thank you, thank you, thank you.
Its not a curse to cry over your babies…You don’t have to feel guilt to miss all the little things that you will never get again. Grow up
Please check your Sexism at the door! Although I think that John is completely off his rocker, it is not “of course a man” attitude. I know several divorce couples in which the mother wanted nothing to do with the children. They gave up custody willingly and in one instance she even told her ex husband to take the kids because she never wanted them in the first place.
I am a man who cries over his children and will continue to do so for as long as I am alive. Please do not lump me in with John.
So well said Francis & nowadays you see & hear more of this it blows my mind that any woman/Mother could do such a terrible thing when we gave them life so sad
Nothing can replace a loving caring father. Well said!!
Maybe those are tears of joy when you realize you are raising a wonderful child, your own, that can move on to be amazing adult. I don’t see where a guilty conscience fits in here. We don’t walk in your shoes so maybe that response is from a gulty conscience when you look in the mirror. May God help you and soften your heart and fill it with joy to share with your babies.
Really John? Maybe they are tears of joy and not tears from a guilty conscience. How do you look at a glass, half full or half empty?
Wow! We may cry out of sentiment, there is no guilt! We may cry over them not needing us as much for the little things, but they will always need us to be there to support them thoughout their ENTIRE LIVES! It always feels good when my Mom praises me, and I am 49 and we have 3 young adults.
Give your Mom a hug for me – I lost both my parents within 2 years – and no matter how old you are when it happens, I was only 40, you feel like an orphan – and then there are the millions of things you WISH you could have asked them – like how did they move on after they lost THEIR parents – so that you have somewhat of a road map to take you over the last vestige of adulthood – being an adult totally on your own. Even if you have a spouse and children – that safety net that you always unknowingly depended on your entire life – is suddenly no longer. Cherish your parents while you still have them – someday they will be a memory you can only carry in your heart.
You’re Commenot makes no sense John. You must not have any children.
John your comments are disturbing and wrong. Have you ever thought the fact that people are sad or cry is not due to a guilty conscious, but because their kids are grown or gone. If you have nothing nice to say then well one should keep it to themselves. May God help you.
John…I believe you are just trying to stir the pot & get a response from people…That you have done..
I Will pray for you…maybe…just kidding..
Why is it that a response that you make behind a you the license to mess with & hurt people..sorry to disappoint you but people still have faith in you & I’m pretty positive someone is praying for you right now that someday a guy, such as yourself will open up and you have no choice..we will still pray for you!
John, I guess that must make you the absolute perfect parent. What’s your secret?
Simple: he drinks whiskey until he’s brave enough go make an internet comment. Everyone is ENTITLED to their opinion. Why waste your energy replying to such a miserable person/comment? He distracted all of you who wanna control someone’s stupid, ignorant opinion. Lighten up & stop indulging these tiny trolls
Well put!
Totally agree with MickeyG’s comment. Not worth responding to idiot trolls!
John, you are sad, close-hearted person. Someone who loves hard will always cry over their babies.
“Only a person with a guilty conscience cry over their babies”… John, God needs to help you because that is the most idiotic thing I’ve seen anybody post in a long, long time. The poem is indeed beautiful and brings back memories of those precious days that we as good mothers and fathers miss…and because we have feelings we shed a tear. I can’t believe I am having to explain this amazing phenomena to someone who evidently doesn’t have a clue what it means.
John is a troll. You don’t see him on here defending his mentally incapacitated comment, do you? John is just a sad, dirty little internet troll. He is hungry for attention, and looking to be fed. Go back under the bridge, John.
I was going to say the same thing. What a sad, lonely person (John) to come on here and say something like that. Troll. Troll. Troll.
This is beautiful. Thanks for sharing. John, I am sorry you are so judgmental and negative. I don’t have one bit of guilt. I do have one three-year old and two one-year olds (twins). Six months ago, the one-year olds couldn’t eat without me. Today they sit happily in their high chairs and eat Cheerios on their own. This week my three-year old can turn on lights by herself, if she stands on her tip toes and reaches as high as she can, and/or jumps up to the lightswitches on each wall. She was once too short. I am proud that my kids are becoming more independent, and I love the reminder that we should enjoy what we have, while we have it.
poor john…..
Poor John doesn’t see the beauty in loving someone to tears.
John, only and incredibly ignorant or cruel person would make that statement. You have apparently never had children.
strange reply John. You have to be a mother or maybe even a father who has raised a child alone to fully understand this poem. If it doesn’t speak to you fine but DO NOT COMDEMN !!!!! You said it right Rebecca.
Mary, you don’t have to raise a child alone to understand this. I’m raising two children alongside my wife, and we both know the feeling. I miss rocking my son to sleep. My wife misses nursing him. Too soon, we will both miss snuggles on the couch and seeing him every day.
That may not be what you meant to imply. And I hope you don’t think I intended to attack you.
On a lighter note, you may actually know when it’s the last time you change a diaper. You’ll be the one buying the underoos, right?
John…What rock did you crawl out from under? If you didn’t like the poem, move on. Don’t spoil the moment for Mothers who love their babies. My son is 48 my daughter 44, and I had a daughter to die at 9 days old, and I still cry for all of them because I love them so much. I cry when they are in pain. I cry when they have financial hardships. I cry when they are sad about something. I cry out in prayer everyday for my children and grandchildren. Only a Mother or Dad with a strong, spiritual, emotional heart can understand this.
So many of these replies just put me into tears…….doesn’t necessarily have anything to do if you are a mom, dad, gramma or grampa… has to do with loving our children/ grandchildren. There’s nothing stronger than a mother or fathers love.I know a lot of moms and dads that are awesome and love so and cry over them. I have 2 boys grown and love them so deeply as the day they were born and layed upon my chest. What a truly awesome feeling. As for ‘John’,,,, please just ignore him and just enjoy this poem and continue to love, laugh and cry…that’s what we suppose to do…do not let anyone ruin this beautiful poem that has brought so many of us to tears along with all the heart warming replies…remember having our children is truly a miracle and a gift from God.
Obviously Im a man and I cry also. My wife and I are OB/GYN’s and we cry for others who lose their babies and when they are sick. John needs help!
You apparently have never lost anything or anybody that you have truely loved!! Maybe not capable of !!
John you are an idiot and a loser.
Don’t feed the troll.
Heather> You just taught this ol’ lady a new smart-aleck come back. Thanks, kid. Wait…are you my daughter, Heather? Or someone else’s ‘Hedder’?
being a man i have read many things bad about us and many should be thought of as so. the only thing i really get hurt by is being put into that catagory i came from a split family to a chidrens home and adaopted at age of 11 that is a bad age as your mind is messed up at tht age anyway i have tears when i see how so many people will miss the little arms and little hugs and little kisses just because the dont dont have time for themselves and no one to teach them love
and sqaunder every min of thier life with out it if a person is so brazen to treat a grown up the way they do then they do not need the little things in thier lives my oldest son is 35 years of age and i still feel his pain when he has a tear and grabs me for a hug my children were raised to love and cherish and we would be with them no matter how they feel about all the bad words and feelings of off the wall people may god have mercy on them and some day teach them its the little things that is love john needs a tear for him also im sorry John but i truely belive with the woman on this but woman also there are many men who have a heart and cry over little things when they are missed im not a sisy just been on the rough road and still hold my head up high god bless you all im gone
Precious words, Rick. So glad a family found you. So happy for you that you were able to share a child with someone. So grateful to read these bittersweet words from you. I can hear the ache in your voice for your lost childhood but the gratitude for being able to love a little life of your own. God has blessed my heart through your words. Thank you.
Who is this guy? What’s his problem?
This is such a beautiful poem. Maybe it touched John in a really bad place. No one could really be that insensitive.
i not only welled up from this simple yet deep poem BUT then i cried for you….. who must not have had a loving relationship with your children, and the hole that is now in their lives…….. dude you have me confused, maybe you are not a dad and so you have not yet experienced the passing of time with your babies so can not relate to what is being said
You apparently have mental problems. I hope you get help.
You are a jerk!!!
This guy is a jerk. He must not have children or care to have any. As my girls grow older so do I and makes me so sad cause I keep having memory’s of them and when they were growing up and the things we did together and that makes me sad cause now that I’m older they have there own lives and I miss out on so much. The grandchildren are into doing there thing. So I don’t get to see them much. The older I get the more you think and realize how fast your life is passing by. This jerk sure won’t have any good memory’s he’ll have to set around in a chair and then realize what a boring life he’s had.
typical response from a man your an idiot
patty, no it’s not… That’s a really thoughtless thing to say
ThOugh he IS an idiot
just have to say one more time you are an idiot
John must not be a father, otherwise, he would have known the meaning of the poem. He’s a saddo.
Poor John. I cry for my children ( the oldest will be 50 next month) my heart aches for every days that gos by and I don’t tell them how much I love them, I say in my heart and in my mind but I don’t tell them, I pray for them all the time and I want only the best for them, when they hurt I hurt even when I don’t know why they hurt. To cry for your children is the greatest sign of love a parent can show. Until you have someone to cry for you haven’t truely lived you only exist.
you are sick and not much of a father or mother….no instinct there at all.
Your comment on the post concerning our feelings toward our children was right on! I agree with everything u said . I have 4 children (all grown now) but my thoughts and concerns not to mention the love, will always be there and it has nothing to do with feelings of guilt!!Loved them then and love them now!<3
I agree with John, children in heaven aside, a parent that would post this to an adult child is seeking attention. My mother in law posted it to try to make us feel guilty for cutting her out of our life when it was her own nonsense that got her there. Now she posts this crap thinking it will make us feel bad enough to bring her back, well it’s is not and now she will never have those “last times” with her hand children.
None of us knows the next person’s story so do not judge, you wouldn’t want someone to do that to you.
Okay, let me get this straight, you are saying people should’nt judge, but you are judging them for his outright crude judgmental remarks. You sound like you are definitely judging your mother in law for her postings. Have you ever thought just maybe she would post something like that because of the sadness in her heart after being cut out of her son’s life and grandchildren ? One day when your “not perfect” you may have the same thing happen to you. Or, when your children grow up and resent y’all for not letting them have the other grandmother in their lives
John…obviously u r a PERFECT MAN….and for sure NOT a MOTHER! God help your children! IF u even have any
As a parent we never stop experiencing those last times no matter how old our children get. At some point in our life there comes a shift where we are no longer the “owner of the conversations”. We watch our children parent and can be proud at what we passed on so they could experience the same things, the same joy of watching their children grow also and the same last times. I am lucky enough to be watching my grandson with his son already starting his first “last times”.
Trying to discount someone else’s feelings about their children is ridiculous, no matter which way you go. Everyone has their own view on the way they were raised and their memories of it.
John…YOU are a sick, pathetic, obviously possessed by the DEVIL himself… I cannot even refer to you as a human… what in this world would ever make you say something like that?
And Robin, did you actually get that out of that poem, (those thoughts??)
OMG…what is this world coming to? I have a friend who has lost 2 of her 3 young adults, and another who just 2 days ago lost her son to murder….I cannot imagine being a mother (and I am, I have a 27 year old son) and have had to bury my son and/or daughter. It is totally out of my realm of thinking….I grieve for anyone who loses a son or daughter, no matter what age!
I am at a loss for words at this moment.
Amen Star!!
John your right. I raised my son by myself and I love him very much.
It is a stupid letter,full of motional miss givings.
This person needs to get a life.
@ Jhon… Why dont you crawl back under the rock from which you came troll! And Patty give me a break you cant be serious, with comments like “typical coming from a man” …you sank to Jhons level with that comment as well! Must be cold living under rocks! Man hater.
As for me I do not have children but I thought this poem was beautiful and inspiring and Im as about as manly as they come I would think. ( if your into the whole stereotyping thing). Peace and love, God Bless.
John, you’re an *expletive removed by site owner*.
John!… Only a fool replies to an idiot, so I will not dignify your post with a reply!.
No one has to send you curse. It sounds like you already are carrying a curse. Probably the curse of being you.
you should be ashamed of yourself with such a comment .
John, that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard…
John, You clearly don’t understand the point or the message of this poem. I read all of the comments from men and from women about men and from men about women. MOST men think differently than women do. We aren’t the same. One woman to the next, one man to the next man, aren’t even exactly the same. Genetics 101. Poetry can be interpreted different from one human beings experience to the next. But this poem, to MOST probably is something Moms relate to…and some men. Not all of either. (See how we have to cover ourselves so someone doesn’t get offended…stop being offended) Eventually the baby will fly the coop, eventually there will be an empty nest….and we will miss all those cherished childrearing days. THAT IS ALL. Done. Onward.
The love and pride from a job well done is why good parents have Joy Tears! God bless all good and loving parents! You could also apply many last times with adult children, family, friends. You never know when an event is the last time…until it is. Make PRECIOUS memories , sometimes they’re all you have!
I feel sorry for whatever woman has to have children with someone like you.
Normally I would just glance through rude and inane comments like yours. Just imagining that you are one of “those”: that just like to see how many people react to your posting. I can’t do that this time and I don’t think I ever could, even before I lost my beautiful 38 year old daughter at 11:40am September 27, 2014. I was there when she took her first breath and I needed to be there when she took her last. In between that time, all those years we were raising her and her sister, all the years they’ve spent raising their own, the wonderful times that will be the same for any of us in memories and photo’s. I cry because she isn’t here to be with her two children, I cry because I’ve lived my life and don’t see a purpose for my life any longer and I wish I had died for her. I cry because she will never experience and share our lives again. My grand children are going to grow up missing so much that their mother should have shared with them, I hope you never have children and God forbid loose them and feel “Guilty” but if you should, I hope you remember your posting today and feel as I do, as many do with children who were not born “perfect” in your eyes only, and to those people who have their children pass before they do.
It’s obvious you do not have any children and have never raised a child. I suggest you keep your negative opinions to yourself and don’t insult people in areas you know nothing about.
What a mean thing to say! People feel sad when their kids leave home. When you love someone, missing them has nothing to do with guilt. Anyone who has ever loved a child knows that. I think most people feel guilt that they could not have done more, no matter what a great job they have done as parents.Missing and loving has nothing to do with that. I feel sorry that you lack the empathy to understand that.
to all that are responding to heartless “John” for his absurd remark:
DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS; you’re giving him exactly what he wants.
that or this really hit him in the feelers and he’s angry because he is afraid of his emotions? there’s really no telling. could be that it brought a tear to his eye because he lives with his own regret and that is how this poem made HIM feel..
my 2¢.
John was either a pampered child, childless, doesn’t like the children he has, or is just a total narcissist. I am a mother and have felt all those things.
It’s hard for a man to understand the bond between a mom & her children. It’s a love that we want to never end.
There is always someone who is bitter about something. Seem’s the only way they can deal with REAL life feelings is to be confrontational. I personally weed all people like this out of my life that only bring negativity. That’s right everyone, do yourselves a favor and weed out all negativity out of your life and surround yourself with only positive people. You will be amazed how much happier and how smooth your life will be with so less stress from others. 😉
John; That was a cruel remark. Women are the weaker more emotional sex – God designed us that way – men the women + women the heart of the Home.
But I will say we’re listening to a mom who struggles to live in today and has not gotten over the loss of 4 previous children. Precious lady you are robbing yourself and the child(ren) you do have by living in the past.
I say this as I lost twin boys born 5 months too early but I focus on what I have not what I don’t.
God can heal you deeper if you but ask… I promise <3
Agreed! I miss little arms around my neck. My kids are all teenagers, and great kids who still come to me for hugs, but that does not diminish the arms aching from emptiness with no babies to hold.
I am done bringing up my children and am now Nana to 3 little grandaughters under 3. My daughters are going into the first phases of motherhood. I can only enjoy these precious moments of their lives and comfort them through these sleepless, busy times of their lives with reassurance that the moments of today will be a joyous memory in the future. I am pretty sure they “get it”, when I see their incredible patience & pleasure they have with these tiny ones. The times of drudgery fade and what is left are all the happy moments to enjoy. God Bless all of the mothers dealing with the growing years. Chin up , as the children get bigger, so do the moments of enormous pride & joy. Have faith in them that they will come throu for you & they will.
Kids grow up too fast. Treasure the moments!
As for anyone posting negative comments, it just simply shows that you never had a loving home! Hope you can find love someday!
John is very wrong for what he said in his comment, unfortunately there are people out there are people out there with his viewpoint male and female. I have a 14 year old daughter and she is the only reason I live on this earth, I have raised her from the moment she was born. My whole life is my child, there is nothing else that matters to me. I know many other men who loves their children more than life itself so it is not fair to say ” of course its a man” or “men don’t have feelings for their children” that makes you just as heartless as John, You need to think before you comment as much as John does. There are good men out there, just no one wants us.
I’m sorry you had to be raised by people without a “guilty conscience”. If any parent does bot feel guilty from time to time, he or she is not trying.
Parents all know that it’s not a job that one should ever give up on.
Please share ” The Man in the Mirror”, have searched for it and unable to locate it…. Had it for years and lost it. It meaning is awesome. Thanks.
When you get all you want and you struggle for pelf,
and the world makes you king for a day,
then go to the mirror and look at yourself
and see what that man has to say.
For it isn’t your mother, your father or wife
whose judgment upon you must pass,
but the man, whose verdict counts most in your life
is the one staring back from the glass.
He’s the fellow to please,
never mind all the rest.
For he’s with you right to the end,
and you’ve passed your most difficult test
if the man in the glass is your friend.
You may be like Jack Horner and “chisel” a plum,
And think you’re a wonderful guy,
But the man in the glass says you’re only a bum
If you can’t look him straight in the eye.
You can fool the whole world,
down the highway of years,
and take pats on the back as you pass.
But your final reward will be heartache and tears
if you’ve cheated the man in the glass.
Real Player:
Is this the one? The website listed is where I found it, it’s not my personal website.
The Man in the Mirror (our incorrect original version)
Dreamtime Stories mp3
Dreamtime Story CDs
I have a very fade copy of this that was taped to the corner of my mirror for years.
Is this what you’re referring to Rene?
The Man In The Glass
Peter Dale Wimbrow Sr.
When you get what you want in your struggle for self
And the world makes you king for a day
Just go to the mirror and look at yourself
And see what that man has to say.
For it isn’t your father, or mother, or wife
Whose judgment upon you must pass
The fellow whose verdict counts most in your life
Is the one staring back from the glass.
He’s the fellow to please – never mind all the rest
For he’s with you, clear to the end
And you’ve passed your most difficult, dangerous test
If the man in the glass is your friend.
You may fool the whole world down the pathway of years
And get pats on the back as you pass
But your final reward will be heartache and tears
If you’ve cheated the man in the glass.
This poem was first published in 1934 and is still very popular today. Thank you very much to the family of Dale Wimbrow for allowing us to publish it and to our friend Marie Ornstein for recommending it!
This is beautiful! It was shared with me by a friend that had just lost her son by suicide a week before Christmas. Needless to say it was very meaningful to her. One never know until they walk in another’s shoes. Thank you, Danniel, for sharing this. I am sure it brought comfort to many—–including me. May God bless richly bless you as you bless others. Amen
This whole page is a trainwreck….thanks for making me relapse……arrrrrgh!!
Jesus wept when looking over the people of egypt. does that mean he had a guilty conscious??
No, but this was meant to be a rhetorical question, wasn’t it?
yes, I cried right away because I think of those thoughts every day. Now that my daughter is nineteen!
I wish so much to have those moments back! I miss them so much!
This is so true. I’ve been so grateful for my children and the blessing they are. It makes me sad when I overhear people complain about being a parent. It’s hard work, but it’s definitely worth it.
The most important and most rewarding job I ever had.
This is beautiful. Thank you for posting.
I read this the other day too and I loved it. Perfect to put your perspective in the right place.
This was such a beautiful poem, you really have to cherish all the time you have.
That is just beautiful, so true and hits the heart so much. I need to print this off, yet I’d tear up seeing it all the time!
I can totally see why this would make you cry! Parenting is one of the most bittersweet jobs in the world! Thanks for sharing this poem!
Beautiful! Thanks for the reminder!
Awe… I love it. I was just telling my little sister this the other day. She is struggling with those sleepless nights with a newborn and I told her to embrace them…. to sit back, look at her creation and just love that one moment that will never be again
Thank you for writing this!! I’m in the middle of those newborn weeks myself and it can be SO overwhelming!! I’ll be thinking of this comment during his 3am feeding :). This moment will never happen again, cherish it!!
The Last Time made me go all mist-eyed. My ‘baby’ is 43 and I’m still having ‘last times’ with her and all those grands as well. I just did not know these moments had a name.
This is a beautiful poem! I can relate but need to live more in the moment!
This is such a sweet poem. It’s so true, we need to appreciate the little things in life because one day they won’t happen anymore.
Great poem and so very true. We must cherish every single moment. Even if you want to rip out your hair if you have to sing the wheels on the bus one more time.
This is so beautiful. I cried like a little girl reading this. My nephew is 13, and thank God, he’s still my biggest fan. The older he gets the more I feel the pang of him growing up. I’m so proud, but I”m also so sad some days.
Great post, and it’s so true. Treasure those moments, because there will come a time when they start to pull away. It’s natural, but it still sucks. =/
I treasure every second I have with my daughter. She’s of an age where she still runs to me like that, but I know that won’t always be the case.
Great post! My son is 14, and he’s starting to pull away from me a little bit. I’m proud that he’s turning into a fine young man, but I miss those days when he ran to me.
Oh this is so beautiful. As a mom to 5 little ones I get it and it is so true!
That made me all misty too! That’s such a beautiful expression.
What a beautiful thing!! These days it seems to be to easy to take things for granted!
This is a great poem. It is very true you never know when something will be the last time. Hug your loved ones every day and tell them you love them.
Thanks for sharing this – so special and sad – but true. It reminds us all to treasure each moment.
Sharing with my son and daughter-in-law 🙂
I lost my son 26 mos ago . embrace every moment big or small because we are never promised tomorrow.
I’m so very sorry for your loss, Charlotte. 🙁
Im so very sorry. I am terminally ill and I’m trying to get my kids to understand how important this time is. I don’t have cancer something much rarer but you are right tomorrow is never promised. A lot of people look at me weird when I hug them and tell them I love them before I leave but they don’t understand what it’s like to live with the knowledge we have. Blessings. I know the pain never goes away but I promise it does get better. <3
Tracey you sure are sweet!!! May God bless you….
Sorry for the loss of your son. I too lost my son, three years ago. All those last times are in the past. Treasure your loved ones ,regularly, greatly and always. You never know when your last time will be.
I seem to be the only man who is posting here, but it hits me especially hard. My son went with me everywhere I went until he was two years old, and he could even call my cows to him. A divorce shortly after he was two put an end to all my really good times with him. I was still able to see him on long weekends and holidays but it was never the same. that was forty years ago and this poem still brought tears to my eyes.
Bill, not many guys read poems, apparently…it took me three marriages to realize that men are from Mars and women are from Venus…I have learned to look the other way when a lady tries to coax me away from my marriage and family…there was nothing wrong with my first two wives, it was me. My son is now 31 years old and I see him whenever we get back to our home state…I was fortunate in not having any children with my first or second wives…I hadn’t planned on having any kids. I hope that you have contact with him now and share in his life and family for life if much too short to miss anything so precious as time with your family…
Your not the only man Bill I’ve actually just signed up for this because I have not seen my Daughter since she was 3 and a half she will be turning 17 this year even with paying support I have been unable to see her and have tried to contact through her mother but told see does not want to see me. I have no idea what she has been told about why I am not in her life the reason I’m on here my daughter is in Schomberg I have paid support and always wanted to be but her mother got a court divorce without me there sending notification to an old address and the only way to have it changed is to go to court which I have never been able to afford I not only read poetry but have penned what I’ve been told is some that is half decent I guesse when your heart is broken feelings have a way of surfacing
Such a beautiful poem.
I found that Danniel J. Lennax is listed as the author at this website, at least:–by-LatenightAvenger
Thank you so much! I’ve updated the post. 🙂
I’ve been trying to remind someone of this for a long time. I pray that person “gets it” soon!!!! It’s too important not to remember!!!!
Today I am celebrating my 78th birthday and when I read this it took me back 57 years to when I started raising my beautiful children! How I long for those precious times with those little people who now have grandchildren of their own!! I can, however, share precious great-grandchildren during this very brief time in there lives!!
Awe what a beautiful life. Happy Birthday on being 78 yrs young. Listen to Don’t Blink by Kenny Chesney Blessings
Happy Birthday to Ms.Stockdale! I’m sure you are very cherished in your family. My own mother passed away suddenly last summer when I was visiting from overseas. Whenever I was fretting about any points of raising my six children in a foreign country, she would remind me that any “stage” wouldn’t last forever and to cherish the moment. I did, and of course the stages never did, and now all 6 are almost all grown up. Harry Chapin’s “Cats In The Cradle” says it best. Giving your kids your time and not so many material things is the best gift of all.
It’s the most joyous time of a mothers life. I wish for the days when my son was still a baby and I could hold him and cuddle him and rock him to sleep. I cherished each and every day of his young life, and then slowly he grew into a young man and now he’s a 30 yr old husband and trying to conceive his own child that he just can’t wait to have. Mothers enjoy your children, they aren’t little for long, and it pains you when they grow up and leave, but that is the only way they will come home to visit. You have to let them go, so they’ll come back.
We are loaned these treasures from GOD that we refer to as our children. Sad part being we only have roughly 18 yrs. to tend these seedlings we’ve been empowered to shape & mold into future outstanding citizens, parents, civic leaders etc.
It is ever so true; they are with us for such a short period of time. So much to accomplish, such a minute amount of time in which we hopefully have made an extremely dear & ever lasting deep impression on those we hold in our custody.
Interesting years later to take a peek and see some of their choices!
This is beautiful. I think about this all the time now that my youngest will be 13 on Christmas. Reminds me of the song Don’t Blink by Kenny Chesney.
You know it’s really sad that when you are young parents this poem isn’t put right in
With the birth certificate , because you are trying to learn everything , and not realize what you are missing already! When’ my children were. Born , I floated! I was so In love with this fabulous little boy, I gave him my heart and it was the best thing I could ever do! A few years went bye and he was getting independent , but isn’t that whet I’ve been teaching him !! Yep , it worked, so I decide to have my second child a girl , bam beautiful ! Blessed big time so next comes my last little boy! Done yes. Sir done!! I was so busy raising like two family’s , the years were too long between the oldest son , them the other two!life was beautiful and I did a great job, but where’s all the time gone? Thank god for grand kids , helps alot♥️
This is a wonderful poem…holds true for my living children, and a son that was killed when he was a baby.
I find that while reading this I fight to resist sadness. I find that I feel so greT that I am helping this individual grow, and eventually become a strong healthy individual. I feel I have done what I was placed here to do. Raise my child to be string
I find that while reading this I fight to resist sadness. I find that I feel so greatT that I am helping this individual grow, and eventually become a strong healthy individual. I feel I have done what I was placed here to do. Raise my child to be strong
I had 5children, I love having a family, my regrets were dealing with illness watching them, being bullied at school, not having time to have fun, always being tired,seeing the pressure they are under to meet demands, trying to teach them real values,and enjoying the simple things in life,now I have 14grand children and 2gt. Grand children so the love cuddles and special moments just keep coming. I don’t have the worry of providing and taking care of all their needs and when I get tired I hand them back so my message is live in the moment and enjoy nothing lasts foever
Beautiful words and such true wisdom. When you are going through each stage and situation, you don’t realize how precious those moments are. As we get older, we realize that our children and grandchildren become more blessed gifts and to be cherished each day.
This is so true. My son was killed in a car accident 2010. I would love to kiss him or hug him one last time because a broken heart last forever
Sorry Tammy for your heartache….
ok everybody. Ready ??? 1 2 3 And the wheels on the bus go round and round
This poem was shared on my face book from a friend and this conjured up some deep emotions of wondering when the last time was for each of these precious memories. I felt some very deep emotions as my only child is going to be 32 years old this November. My miracle child was born at 26 weeks 1 lb. 5and 1/4 ounces and now a beautiful healthy young lady and missing all of her stages of life but trying to also continue to keep appreciating all the new stages as life continues. I am so nostalgic at times I could cry with all emotions welling up inside my soul. This even took me back to my own childhood with my mother and dad now gone from this earth 22 years and 15 years. It is good to feel those emotions when life is so extremely busy and moving so fast.
I would add the following verse to the poem,
These times are all locked by love within your heart
And new memories will take their place
As you watch your child grow into their unique greatness
Do not be sad, You will see these times again in your children’s children
And maybe your children’s, children’s children
Because these times will live forever where there is no last time.
Todd, beautiful simply beautiful add on.
John, that’s what I said to preface my sharing the poem on facebook…that I’ve had my last times, but (PTL) I get to experience them again with my two-year-old granddaughter. At my age (70) and because we had almost given up hope of having any grandchilren, I am cherishing EVERY time … first times, middle times and last times. And it’s so true; there are never real last times for moments that bring us joy. We’ve no idea the beauty that’s in store for us!
Thank you for more eloquently writing some of my thoughts in your comments here. I have added your lines to my copy that’s going on our fridge.
I have two children who have grandchildren of their own. Seems like yesterday I was cuddling them and enjoying their first words, their first steps. I will never have those days again but I cherish the memories.
Darn! Now I want a baby! (Mine’s 43, youngest grandchild is 9)
I still cry when I look at my kids. My daughter was sick after birth and came out great after she recovered. She’s 19. I still cry when I think of how close we were to losing our son. He had a heart problem which required surgery which he had at 9 months. After the surgery, the surgeon told us had we waited any longer to do it he wouldn’t have seen his first birthday! He has seen 14 of them and has no issues! So John pardon me while I say SCREW YOU! I WILL cry because my kids are my life. And I’m very thankful they are both still here.
The pome is amazing and very well put in the way you feel for the first time your child has grown up and moved on with life…and how wonderful those moments were and still are and how you wish you had one more time with you baby again….:) Thank you for sharing this poem “The Last Time”
I believe I will never forget the heartbreak of losing my 1st baby/my third and my 6th. I was blessed to have 4 others. I do believe that one day I will where they will be whole and I know they are with Jesus. Being a mother is one of the greatest gifts. I remember so well the first time I held each one of my my babies, rocked them, nursed up, stayed up all night with them, to kiss them, tuck them into bed,holing their precious little hands in mine, feel my heart breaking when they went off to see, or seeing them hurt; The joy it brought when they came to know Jesus. What an awesome responsiblity God has intrusted us with. God bless Mothers
Well John, being a father who spent much time playing, reading,
& tucking my kids in at night, I have shed tears knowing that I will never get to do those things again. I do sometimes feel guilty wondering if I did everything I could to prepare them for life on their own. But many of my tears are of joy and pride for the way they turned out.
First of you gave the other John exactly what he wanted, a reaction. Second, yes this is bitter-sweet, as much as you don’t want those times to go, they do. Look at the adult and then question if you did your job as a parent. No matter what the one thing you will have always is the memories and hopefully the love.
I’m not sure how to put this, I too was divorced and lost a lot of life with my son when he was seven but the times we did have, the weekends and holidays yes there was guilt there but there were a lot of very happy times and when I got my first grandchild I cried also.I have spent many happy hours over the years crying with my children grandchildren now 4 great-grandchildren. There were lots of happy tears as I watched my son imatate me by washing his big wheel while I washed my truck, and sad tears as I saw what I told my grand children about them getting older and other things would creep into our “Papa” time and we would slowly loose some of the special times we had. And then the happy and thankful tears that were shed because my granddaughter and the start of the next generation were all fine after his birth. How can a man, father, grandfather, andgreat grandfather who has Gods love, His
As a sit here reading this I am brought to tears because I know how it feels to do all the lasts listed in this poem. As I prepare for my oldest of three children to graduate from high school this coming may I am very sad to have had most of my lasts done, I miss when my children were little. My middle child is 14 and my youngest is 13 I am done with a lot of firsts but my two youngest children still sit in my lap and cuddle with me and no matter that both of them are taller than me I will always allow them to do so!!!
This poem made me cry and i shared for all my friends and parents/grandparents to see. I had my grandson for 5 1/2 years living with me and his mom (she was a young mother) when he turned 6 she moved out on her own. I took for granted that time with him and now i get to see him when its convenient for her (they live 5 min from me), i no longer take for granted my time with him because i dont know when the next time i will see him. i take photos of everything we do and i hold those memories so close.
this will be fun
John Boy, I believe you are out numbered here. So have a heart!
I’ve read all of your comments and noticed that John didn’t have the guts to write anything again. I don’t have children and it still made we tear up a little…because what it did was make me look at my wonderful parents from a different angle and appreciate them even more than I already do. My father is gone now, and there are so many last times I wish I realized, at the time, were taking place. I would love to hear his voice and hear him laugh, one last time.
I lay here and look at my precious 2 month old after reading this and I cried. I have nothing to feel guilty about except loving every bit of my children. I cry because of the world my two children live in. You’re a great example of the screwed up world. Hope you find God one day and accept love for what it really is.
I cry for the parents who missed these times with their children.
We have had yours, mine and what we dub ours (foster children). We have loved all equally and never sorry for the help and love we have given them.
God bless the author who wrote the poem, it is great, thanks.
And thanks for sharing it.
Cat got your tongue John?
My 7 (almost 8) yr old son ran up to me the other day and jumped into my arms, wrapped his arms and legs around me and kissed my check. (All 82lbs of him!!!). I almost just sat him down just as fast, but I paused wrapped my arms around him, squeezed and took a deep breath. In that moment I realized its been ages since he’s done that AND he’s getting almost too big for me to hold him and I thought to myself “this could be the last time”. And that night I cried…
This is a really nice poem, but if the poem’s author was unknown as it states on the poem itself who is this guy who is saying that he is the author.. This poem has been around for a long time….
Only a true mother will shed a few tears after or while they are reading this because it is so true. Only that true love, that feeling of the first times and then the feeling of knowing you’ll never get that back …….only a true parent knows………….
Ok to this comment ,I will never hear my son say mom I love you , or the hugs he gave me …When a mother truly loves their child & then 1 day out of the blue you get hit w/ he’s passed ??/? Just saying I’ve been there & everyday is still is a hard as the day God called him home ..It will 3 yrs. December 1st,2010 -21 yrs. old ,,,, it’s the hardest thing a true loving parent can go through (believe me )!!!!!!!Sometimes I have to let it out ( lifes not fair -you have very sick kids fighting for their life ,others who take chances ? So glad my kids knew God & believed …Not to offend anyone but just comi
ng from my heart ,a moma of 2 – 1 daughter & 1 son
Whats wrong John? Cat got you tongue?
I remember the last time my (now 43 y/o) son held my hand crossing the street. He was 14 at the time. He slipped his hand into mine as we stepped off the curb and released it as we stepped up to the sidewalk on the other side. He didn’t know he had done that and I’m not sure I’ve told him yet. It is too precious a memory.
Yes both good men and women cry over childrens sweetness and now i cry when my children do for me what i can’t do because of health. I do laugh and cry with them in their life’s ups and downs. Also cried first time i read poem.
It is quite apparent John did not have that in his life and continues to lack trust in the tender side of a human who has had the fortune to be touched and tenderly handed in the tender age of life. My heart weeps for him for not having the priviledge of being loved and cared for, my heart goes out to john that he may know the feeling of a tender heart and know the joy. tears are not just for sadness but also for joy. tears are not a sign of weakness they are a sign of feelings may your body be bless with an abundance of tears and your feeling poured out to those you love. May you be so blessed
Well guys it’s called cycle of life..Sometimes you will never know the true value of a precious moment until it becomes a memory…thank you for posting this…it was quite an eye opener…Godbless
This is dumb. The only people that would actually cry to this would be the ones that treat their children like an object not a person. May god have mercy on everyone soul who thinks this is a good poem. You all make me sick, god is the only one that can judge you disgusting people. Follow the ten commandments one being though shalt not discard feces in laundry basket. **this part deleted by site owner**
I hate poems and songs like this. How you feel in the moment you experience something is actually how you’re feeling. If you don’t feel something until you look back on it, it’s not actually reality. It’s a psychological issue when you color over your past with nostalgia, instead of seeing things as they actually were. My grandma did this. She saw her past as this magical time, and dwelled on the belief that things would never or could never be that good again. It drove me crazy, cause she spent so much of her time looking at old pictures and movies , that she never let herself enjoy the present! You must live for now. It’s all we really have. These kind of poems are poisonous to the brain. Look around at your life NOW and be present in it. I promise you won’t find yourself regretting that you really, truly lived your life instead of focusing on the past.
The days will come again it’s called being a grandparent, aunt, uncle etc… if you miss them that much get a job in a childrens nursery.
Im not a mother but helped raise my little brother and its refreshing to see motherhood a different light my momused to say you kids are a pain and that caused me yo br wounded and since ive never bren able to conceive children of my own now i know what I’ve been missing but working as tutor st middle school and babysit children.helps fill that gap but i often wonder what life would have been like had i been able to have children.
That poem was beautiful. I was told I would not have children. guess what..I became pregrant……I was blessed with two wonderful children, both healthy (having my 1st one @ 40 y/o and son at 42y/o) I was fortunate enough to be a stay at home mom…the best gift that could ever happen! My husband and I took part in all the kids activities and were very involved. Sadly, by husband passed away at age 50 leaving me with a 11 y/o and an almost 9 y/o. I stayed in the home they knew until they entered college. I was so fortunate to have a wonderful family, friends, church family, school community who were so understanding and wonderful, helpful during the years after. My two children are college educated adults ( daughter now married this summer -8/2/14- and son living in CA) and both thank me for always being there for them. We are close. I thank God for being so good to us now, forever and during our years of just the 3 of us.
I remember my Mom saying that the dust will always be there …and they grow up all too fast…so play/read /enjoy them every minute you have…you can dust later!! Yes..”the wheels on the bus go round and round”…… ……
Personally if that’s the way he feels, that’s his choice, however, I would bet he has never lost a child! I have but whether you have or haven’t this is one of the most heartfelt poems I have ever had the privilege of
reading. My son left to go back to St. george, 5 minutes later came back & said “I just wanted to give you one more hug, I love you mom”. Ten minutes later was the horrible accident which took his life. One never knows when it’s the last something, embrace what’s in front of you, every single time you have the chance.
Aww so very sorry…
donot worry dad i will take care of myself DAN C LAST WORDS
Sorry to hear that Ken..
So hard to believe when my “baby” began to grow up but I am proud of the young man he’s becoming
We moms are so silly, we can cry over anything and drive ourselves crazy. 🙂 And I cry much more now that I’m a mom–far more sensitive. I remember when my daughter was 3 months old and I saw a mother deer and fawn side by side in the woods and I started bawling like a fool (so happy for them that they had that little moment). We cry when we’re happy and sad. I cry when I look at the little rubber toys filling my bathtub because I know someday there won’t be a reason to be there. But i was smart enough to remind myself of that because I remember for example how diapers were the center of my universe and now I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen one. I could drive myself nuts all day going down that path. So I try to enjoy every moment and live in it, not take it for granted, know it’s finite and look forward to the next first and last. Wouldn’t it be great if we could push a button and visit with our children when they were different ages just for a little bit. I look at my ten year old and think, it would be nice to visit with that 4 year old version of herself for just an hour. But life is not like that. This linear time thing can be a downer. 🙂 But overall, I’m happy I’m able to cry over all these silly little daily things. Means I’m capable of depth of emotion and I know how lucky I am to have what I have.
By the way, the author, Danniel J Lennax, is a man! Thank you, Danniel, for such beautiful words. Life is too short and precious. Don’t regret the time you missed! Remember the times you had, cherish the times you have, and love with all that you are!
Oh the PAINNNNNNNN……it’s beautiful & it’s true….. But there’s a new poem I just thought of because there are alot of first times that yet remain. Plus that was too depressing to leave in my brain without filling it with something. ..LOL↔kinda
This didn’t show in my comments…i wrote a poem in response& continuation of life…. (rough rough rough draft)
The first time he has a girl
The first time there’s prom
You Take a pic & watch em twirl
The first lesson behind the wheel
Then again, he’s so bad it makes you squeal
The first time that he moves out
Because college life is what he’s all about
The first time that he comes home
For winter break, oh how he’s grown
The first time you meet his wife
Realizing there’s MORE firsts in life
The first time he holds HIS child
& the next thing I’ll say is wild
Because all those firsts you thought were lost
Are going to be both of your new firsts
This also didn’t show up in my comments. … it went advert My Lil poem…….
—G-D, I hope this is how it goes. ..
To all you mama’s still living on the sweet sweet new baby smell, enjoy every single moment. It’s gone too darn fast! DON’T BLINK ……… (sorry my poem is rough around the edges…i was writing/typing just as the words came, so it wasn’t planned…i want to think of a second part of life after the baby years).. this poem was inspired me…thank you…
I’m a stay at home mom of a 2yr boy(which tries me daily) a 4yr girl (4 going on 14). It’s not easy and there are day where I think when will this day end! Reading this made me cry because as hard as somedays are I love them deeply. I miss holding them for hrs, and there other things I’ll grow to miss and reading this made be remember how blessed I am. It’s not “guilt” it’s love! Oh and my Dad is one of the most loving, caring, most sensitive ppl I know at 6’3 he is a big bear hearts come in all sizes and formals man and woman love is love!
This poem makes me tear up every time I read it. I have 2 boys (4 y/o & 6 months) and a girl (3 y/o) and I cannot believe how quickly time is flying now that they have been brought into my life. Every night I try and just block out everything in my mind and just listen to them laugh, giggle, talk, run, jump, etc. I also take those few moments and just watch them be kids/babies. I realize one day I will not be able to do that anymore and it will be terrifying. As much as I look forward to seeing them achieve a new goal or milestone, I already miss them working towards the ones they just hit. There are many times I will snuggle with them on the sofa, bed, floor, and just hold them and cry. The tears are tears of joy, happiness, sadness, fear, you name it. I love them with all my heart and they are by and far the best things that have ever happened to me and the best stamp I’ll ever be able to put on this world. Dads are allowed to cry too and show emotion.
As a mom and as a grandmother, it is with gentle whispers of thank you for sharing a child of God with me/us, I just enjoy looking at my children, and yes, tears have slid down my face because of the beauty of them. Your post was a gentle reminder of all the last things that have happened over the many years with mine. Even as adults, there are lasts, and then they spread their wings and are once more an awesome site to behold as they mature into wonderful human beings.
As for me I always tried to be there for my kids. God blessed me w/ 2 beautiful ,smart, amazing children ..So blessed ,everyone has different experiences in life & I lost my son in car accident 12-1-2010 !!!! My daughter has a good career & my son’s name will live on through so many friends ,community, and his school ..His love of sports ,good grades & attending college . But for some reason God called him home the evening before he was to start a new job & life from here.? God knows why ,But 1 day I hope to be with him ,my mother, aunts ,uncles ,grandparents & friends ? Life is uncertain for us all but so be grateful for all you love in your lives be there for them & tell them you love them daily …….hugs, to
I too lost a child in infancy to disease, however in reading this poem I was relating it to his brother, my grown son, and the last time for all those things and more and also to the happiness in him doing all those things and more with his children, my grandchildren. In a few years the grandchildren will start the cycle all over again…
Let’s all agree that John the Robot is just that – a robot. Next!
What a trite, smug piece of doggerel.
How very beautiful! The first time I read it, I felt a stab in my heart since I realized my children were 9 and 8 respectively in no time…and yes, I am no longer carrying them…or telling them stories for every spoonful of food. This is a piece of work straight from the heart.
Why can’t a person copy this “The Last Time” ?
What a beautiful poem!
Definitely miss those nights rocking my daughter to sleep. She seems to have grown up way too fast — such an independent one from the start!
I am treasuring every time I rock her brother — he is 5 and as long as he still wants rocked, I’m doing it!
My brother was a very good family man, If he could tell you’sanything he would say ( I’ll Pray For You’s) I Love you Dee and miss you .I respected you,I’m just sorry I never told you How Much when you were with us. ( My Regreat My Loss ) I Love you to C.C.and Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem…..Lov and Miss you My Dear Brother.
Nice poem. Not your IP though, so insisting that people link back to your page is a bit tacky. It would be much better to link to the page of the author, and give him the traffic he derseves.
Oh, I’m absolutely okay with that! Numerous people have just copied the image which I made of his poem and are sharing it in it’s entirety on their site giving readers no reason to click over to my page….or his page.
It’s not about John…it’s not about sexist remarks…it’s about the poem. Lovely…heart-rending…sweet poem. Thank you for sharing.
I only had one baby and we lost him at the age of 31 to a massive heart attack. And yes, my husband and I have shed many tears over him being gone. Until you have walked a mile in a person’s shoes, you cannot know the feeling of having lost a child from death or leaving home, etc.
This is a lovely poem that made me cry!! I cry everyday! I lost my 19 year daughter under 2 years ago. She left behind a beautiful son to whom I love so much. Her husband is a great father. But that great father no longer wants me in his life. He has a new life. A new girlfriend to whom he will marry one day. That is fine. I have always wished him the best but he doesn’t allow me to see my daughter’s son. He lives 45 minutes from me and he has stayed with me twice since October. That little boy is all I have left of my daughter and my “son-in-law” thinks I shouldn’t be talking about my daughter to her son. That is only one reason…more I am sure but he doesn’t understand that I will never move on like he has. My daughter is gone. I will never have another. He has found love again but I won’t ever have the love of my daughter again. It isn’t as easy for a parent as it is for a spouse. I guess what I am getting at is cherish all moments as they may be your last. We are never promised tomorrow.
What a great reminder and I’m so very sorry for your loss. 🙁
I didn’t even factor in the loss of a child. Some of these “lasts” happened because my daughters changed from babies and toddlers to the young women they are now. I remember the last time I read to my daughters at bedtime, or rocked one of them to sleep in my arms. I didn’t know then that it was the last time, but now, yes, I miss those moments dearly.
I wouldn’t want them any other way than they are, but you’d have to be a brick, or a really crappy father not to miss those moments with your kids. They’re only ours for a very short time, cherish every second they’re with you.
I’m a father to two beautiful girls. I cared for my girls at night while their mom worked evenings. I miss those nights of holding my daughter’s. I also danced with them to the song “Hero” By Mariah Carey. I really miss those nights, as they now come few and far between. My daughter’s are 8 and 7 now, and frequently have sleep overs with their friends. As of late they have had me dancing to the cha cha slide, the Macarena, to name a couple. We’ve . These are the memories I hold dear to my heart. And I look forward to the day that my children can experience that as well
The last times are the toughest. The tough part comes when you finally realize that it was the last time and you are yearning to have it all back. I sang “You Are My Sunshine” to my beautiful baby grandson for a long time and I just wish I could do it again.
I am 80 years old and I think about my Kids, Grandkids, Great GrandKids and there is not a day goes by that I do not think about them all and think how much I love them all. I love the times I am with them and all the many times I have thought of them each and every day. And yes I still tear up often thinking about them all and when I see them I always hug them as I did when they were all young and I will until the day I die. Heck friends and family I am tearing up now just typing this message. I do not know how long I will live but I do not want any of them to Die Before I do. Guys if you want to make fun of me for being so loving and careing about all of my family well just suck it up .
I just love this comment so much! Thank you, Loyd!
This poem is not about loosing a child, but rather about gradually gaining an adult. Although you may reminisce and be sad at times over the loss of their childhood ways. You are also proud of the independent adult who blossomed forth. They still love you and depend on you, just not as much or in different ways.
when my brother died my Mother cried for a long time, I asked her why. She did not cry that long when my Dad died. She said we all live with the fact we may outlive our spouse but we never think we will outlive our child. I am older now and have children of my own, I understand better now what she said then.
The poem says “author unknown” but this sounds a lot like Beverly Beckham’s writing from the book A Gift of Time. Perhaps she is the author of this.
I was raised in an orphanage until age 14..Then placed in foster homes..My parents didn’t want us so the state took us away for parental neglect…I grew up told I was trash and would never amount to anything…I believed it and felt unloved until I was 58 years old..When my husband died I met a wonderful man who taught me what love was all about…He is the most caring loving compassionate man I ever met…I vowed my children would never feel unwanted, unloved, made to feel insecure and made to feel like they were trash..I hugged, kissed, loved them to pieces and they were the best thing in my life…I was so blessed that God gave me a chance to raise my children to see that love and guidance would take them far..Today they are the best caring loving children a mother could ask for..I have ten grandchildren who bring me so much joy I feel like I won thee lotto…Im a better person today for my parents not wanting me..I appreciate the smallest things in life and money is not my god…Love-love-love- and a friend who puts there arms around you and loves you for who you are..Not for what you can do for them…Thank you everyone for understanding how much love means to me…
Beautiful memories and poem, of our ‘journeys’ through this life. My wife and I shed ‘tears’ of joy for our two children, five grandchildren, and two, great-grandchildren. We have, both, prayed for, and ‘teared’ for a couple of our loved ones, .who developed leukemia, and childhood diabetes. However, we know that the Lord knows the ‘reasons’ and we leave those ‘things’ in His Hands. Cherish your families until they are
“taken Home”, someday, which we all must expect.
We all lose those early moments but we exchange them for their successors. We have to give up the baby to get the school age child who relinquishes the parent who tells them stories at bedtime for the one who passes on values and skills and discipline. Sometimes,it is the parent who leaves too soon . Sometimes,they reprise their nurturing roles by loving our children. Sometimes,we feed,dress and bathe them. We hold their hands,worry about them,cuddle them and share story time. We laugh,cry and ask ourselves “Will this be the last time we do this? Will tomorrow swap the the person I’ve loved for a stranger or will they disappear altogether?”
Lovely sentiment and I know that both my husband and I have teared up over the memories of our boys as children! Someone warned me about how fast time passes and you don’t think of the “last time” when it’s happening, because you don’t know that it IS the last time! Any parent that doesn’t “feel” has a closed, cold heart!
It is just like every encounter is once in a life time…
wow I feel the pain in this poem!
Guys don’t feed John. He just wants attention. Sad thing is maybe he was not blessed with a mother that did cry. I cry all the time. My own FATHER cries at the drop of a hat. We a sentimental. Maybe John has never lost and does not know how to love. I lost 6 month nephew to SIDS. My mother lost her only brother at 47 my father lost a brother young. I have lost 9 grandparents 8 with in 5 years of 11 and 17. I know what love and loss is. My daughter is 25 and I miss her as she is busy with her life. I treasure every day with my sons that are both under 9 and I miss many of those things already. John I will pray for you. I am bless to have loved and lost. I know what I have today can be gone tomorrow. Best gift to give your child is time.
What a beautiful poem, I have been crying ever since I read this beautiful poem and do not apologize for it. I gave birth to 4 children . But only have 1 daughter left. My two youngest children got killed coming home from work 25 & 27, the other was the oldest son, his Grandson burned him to death.He was 47. Oh to have them small again & be able to hold them in my arms again and rock them to sleep, I would give anything to be able to do that . They say you never know what you have until you loose it. And how true that is. They are missed every day. When I see a young man with red-hair I think of my Terry, when I speak to someone that has large clear blue eyes, I think of Kenny,when I hear a loud belly laugh I think of my oldest Son James. There are lots of things that make me cry . Have such a very hard time at Mothers day and always will. I loved my children very much, the older you get the more you realize just how much. I myself think you never really realize just how much love there was until they are’nt there anymore to hear them say “mama I’m home”
WOW, I personally LOVED this, I believe so many have “just read” it and not really understood the full meaning behind it, If you have lost a child, or been fortunate enough to have raised a child then the purpose and full meaning behind this poem is exactly what it says, “THE LAST TIME”, you never know what that time will come, but it does and will. If you sadly did lose a child, did you get to hold him or her, did you comfort him/her, did you cuddle him/her, just as a mother that was fortunate to be able to raise her child, it’s not always about the number of days or the number of years, it’s about giving your ALL in that moment, and yes some have more “moments” then others, but to have had even one moment is a cherished blessing that words can not fully explain, feelings can not be explained, they are felt. My daughter is grown now and married (and we can’t wait for grandbabies someday), but everyday I remember those “Moments” I was able to have with her when she was a baby and as she grew up. No 2 moments were ever the same, as the love you feel is stronger then before. So please do not condemn the poem, but read it over and over and remember those “Moments” you did have with your child, as those exact moments did end, but they will never be forgotten and the warm feeling of remembering of them will never go away.
Thank you so much for writing such a beautiful poem that so exactly describes how it is with children.
What is it about FB that just make people want to ‘go off…’ This was a simple little poem about the last times we will experience certain things with a loved-one… No where did it say that you stop loving someone or might not have an isolated experience of doing whatevet it may be again… In my case I have a mentally handicapped son whose paranoia is so bad that sometimes his nightmares wake him in the night paralyzing him so much that he need us to cuddle or pray together and he is 32! I might still be experiencing my son’s affection in a chilldish way but I will never again experience his chilldish affection in a normal way without his schizoaffective disorder (symptoms of both bipolar and schizophrenia together in one individual) getting in the way. Also, this poem is very Biblical, from Ecclesiates 3–“There is a time for every season under the heaven; a time to be born and a time to die…” Some of your comments were lovely and special to read. I will be praying for those of you who experienced losses, but there were some comments here that were pretty thoughtless and self-absorbed…
Well said, Alicia. Well said!
Loved the poem. Love poetry. I write a little of it. Thanks. Jenny
i love it .i also send it to parents who lost a child .as a reminder how we carry a child life was lost so young enjoy your day sweet parents
I made a point to pick up my son “one last time” as he grew to big for such. He is grown now but I still live in the same home and remember well the day, the spot where I held him like a baby one last time. Live in the moment moms and dads, life really does pass by too quickly.
A person who doesn’t understand the feeling of love and remembrance of these precious moments to the point of tears is to be pitied. Those who are emotionally neglected or who don’t experience unconditional love as a child have no reference point, or at least very little understanding of this profound emotion. In most cases they don’t know how to love themselves. If we understand this and keep it in mind, we can disassociate ourselves from their often baffling and strange behavior.
Or maybe they’re just having a very bad day?
“Be kind to unkind people. They need it the most.” This helps neutralize our anger, which is harmful only to ourselves.
Mira, your response was heartfelt……that John-guy… not the sharpest tool in the shed.
I would bet almost certain John is a liberal retired professor at some college, he now has no one to debate or make look stupid, so all he can do is search out places as these to get something going!
Much like the liberal news media we have today, all lies, and fairly-tales for your entertainment!
I liked the thoughts expressed in this writing but it seemed more like prose that has just been formatted to look like a poem…. I am missing some of the intrinsic beauty I find in poetry: a certain rhythm, some kind of rhyme, artistic expression …. I’m sure I’m not doing a good job at explaining myself but as a POEM, I find it lacking. However, arrange those same sentences into a paragraph or blog post and I give it a hearty AMEN because as a mother who is watching her children grow into adults and seeing the time getting closer and closer when they are all on their own, the thoughts are particularly relevant. If having these thoughts arranged in a pretty, poem-like style gets people to read it and treasure each moment with their kids and recognise even the most mundane, ordinary experiences as precious, then I guess I would take that as a good thing.
Not sure how similar the wording is, but one of my favorite authors Karen Kingsbury, used one of her characters to write something like this in her journal, about her firstborn. The poem received so much attention that Ms Kingsbury felt compelled to expand it into a beautiful book, for young mothers to be, older mothers and grandmothers who share it with their children.
That is about the only way you can describe things during the loss of a child. I lost my son a little over a year ago and I done all I could to fight to save his life yet I was ignored by doctors nurses yet I still fought but when it come for me to make the hardest decision in my life was to pull the plug on that machine because it was to late I done all I could do yet the hardest thing I had to as a human being, person, a man, as a dad was telling my son and best friend good bye. Yet it still seem like yesterday I was holding him in my arms for the first time and seems like yesterday I had to say goodbye and the day he passed way apart of me went with him