Hershey’s partnered with me for this post. #Simply5
In my last post about Hershey’s Simply 5 Syrup I mentioned how many of my childhood memories involved summer and many of those summer days involved eating ice cream with my family. Those memories are very precious. My grandfather died about seven years ago now and I think of him often. Those memories of making s’mores at camp every summer will be etched into my brain forever. Oh, how I wish I could relive one of those nights again but I know I can’t. I just try to move forward remembering to appreciate all I have before me right now. I’ve also been trying to be intentional about making everyday life good for my children…not perfect but good. One day they’ll look back on their childhood and I want them to remember our bike rides in the evenings, stopping to watch the ants marching together, and laying on our backs looking at the stars. Most of life is made up of ordinary moments but ordinary can be pretty extraordinary if you slow down to appreciate it.
Hershey’s reminds me about simple joys, simple pleasures, and most recently, simple ingredients. Hershey’s Simply 5 Syrup only has 5 ingredients. Those 5 ingredients being: cane sugar, organic invert cane syrup, water, cocoa and natural vanilla flavor! They love simple and my family does too.
To celebrate Hershey’s Simply 5 Syrup, Hershey’s wants to know in 5 words or less what makes your day sweet. How do you stop and smell the chocolate? Being a chatty person, 5 words is pretty difficult for me. I decided on “Expect nothing and appreciate everything.” That’s more of a slogan than it is what makes my day sweet. Maybe it should be “My God, family, and freedom.” As I said, I’m not very good at these things but I appreciate the challenge. If you have a good one please share it below in the comments or tag me on social media so I can see (and don’t forget to use their hashtag #Simply5). 🙂
Speaking of simple, and campfires, and chocolate, here’s a little dessert I threw together today.
Hot Chocolate Brownie Bites! They’re delicious and there’s not really much to them. Make mini brownie bites (or buy them!). I made these and had them in my freezer so I had to thaw them a while. I threw a few marshmallows on each one and popped them into our toaster oven on broil. It only took a few minutes before they were golden brown. I topped them with Hershey’s Simply 5 Syrup and voila! Delicious hot chocolate brownie bites!
For more information on Hershey’s Simply 5 Syrup visit Hersheys.com.
What about you? What makes your life sweet?
I’d take a batch! Please and thank you 🙂