Thanks to Nature’s Harvest® for sponsoring this post.
I was a picky eater because my mom was a picky eater, because her mom was a picky eater. I’m going to stop this here. To the best of my ability, I’m going to try to keep from daughter from being a picky eater. I may not have the time to fix a fancy gourmet dish every meal but I will make the time to give her a variety of foods. For instance, we’ll often eat sandwiches for lunch but we try not to do the same sandwich but once every few weeks.
One of her favorites, which we serve with veggie sticks and nuts, is what we call a bubble cheese sandwich. It’s a slice of cheese broiled on a piece of bread. Quick, easy, FUN, and yummy! {Check out our 30+ wholesome snack ideas for kids}
We just recently tried out a sandwich which her great grandmother greatly loved. A sliced grape and peanut butter sandwich! We put a slice of bread on top but I wanted to give you a picture of what it looks like inside. It’s a fresh take on peanut butter and jelly!
We take a plain old ham and cheese sandwich up a notch buy adding mayonnaise on one side, butter on the other, and a sprinkle of oregano. Toasted bread if I want to really take it over the top. 🙂
Fixing meals for kids is fun because they’ll love anything…most of the time. To make delicious sandwiches, start with Nature’s Harvest® bread. It has at least 8 grams of whole wheat in every serving. You can find Nature’s Harvest at your local Walmart.
What’s one of your family’s favorite unusual sandwiches?
I have never just broiled a piece of cheese on a slice of bread before, but it sounds like something that my kids would really enjoy. However, I think that it would make the bread soggy. Do you do anything to the bread to make sure that it toasts a little before you do the bubble cheese thing?
Nope, nothing at all. It toasts all on it’s own this way. I hope you’ll give it a try!